What is a question to you? Do you know what's the differents between a question and an answer? What if the question you posted was asking for and answer and yet the answer you got is just a surface answer but actually there is a question laying within it? Most people like the answer gotten from a surface answer, it's because it is something they wanna hear and they are just bluffing themselves to the words that they wanted the people to say.. A comman example is when some rich people go for a fortune telling they give the person 5 bucks he say not good give him 50 dollar he say ok give him 500 he say your life is good give him 5000, you are like flying to the sky and will go heaven... It is actually something that he actually wanna hear. So what actualy is a question to you. Do you know? Or you are just as confussed as me, struggling to find out the answer? What actually is a question? What does it stand for? How did it came out? All this is a question mark to all of us am i right? Let me ask you which is the answer that you are going to give when this is the question. You saw a couple of old men on the street, they came to sell tissues to you 3 for a dollar. You bought from him, as usual he thank you for that and walk away. Now is the question, what are you thinking actually when you bought it? A) becasue you see that he is too old so you pity him and buy from him? B) You are doing it becasue you did too much bad things in this world and just wanna wash some sin away so you may go to heaven? C) You just wanna buy so that you can continue to do your stuff and he won't come back and disturb you? There is no right or wrong but this show that an answer can also always be a question. In this world actully you think carefully there is no end to the links it may 1 link to 3 link to 5 link to 7 link to 9. The only true time that all the link ends is when you are laying down in the coffin or you are brain dead actually... From the day we started to learn to talk we only answer a surface answer and not a true answer. Some times when your good friend say's a question which you reply him/her an answer but you know that there is a question within the answer, you should look after your friend because he/she might just hin you because he/she might have some problem's hidden inside him/her. This is a thing to let you understand a friend better or should i put it in another way, listen you your friend when he is pouring out his heart and soul just wanna tell you something because he might just need a good listener and you might just be the person...